Statistical significance of the experimental and control groups were evaluated using a two-tailed t-test. the cellular energy dynamics with reduced NAD+ and ATP were observed in H2O2-treated ARPE-19 cells. H2O2-brought on mitochondrial dysfunction was inhibited by olaparib. Nevertheless, translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), a biochemical signature for PARP-1-dependent cell death (parthanatos), was not observed in our study. Moreover, the depletion of AIF 2-MPPA did not affect the amplitude of cell death, demonstrating the lack of a role for AIF in the death of ARPE-19 cells in response to H2O2. This feature distinguishes the type of death observed in this study from canonical parthanatos. Next, we examined the role of PARP-1 in a dry AMD animal model system. Histological analysis of the outer nuclear layer in the mouse retina revealed protection against sodium iodate (SI) following treatment with olaparib. Moreover, retina fundus and electroretinograms also confirmed such a protective effect in the SI-treated rabbit. Collectively, we report that AIF-independent PARP-1-dependent necrosis constitutes a major mechanism of RPE cell death leading to retinal degeneration in dry AMD. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of blindness among the elderly.1, 2 AMD is classified into wet and dry forms; the dry form is more common than the wet form. Wet AMD is characterized by the Goat polyclonal to IgG (H+L)(HRPO) generation of abnormal angiogenesis underneath the retina and leads to rapid vision loss. In contrast, retinal cells die progressively, displaying geographic atrophy (GA), in dry AMD. This gradual degeneration of retinal cells in GA patients also results in vision loss.3, 4 Fortunately, antiangiogenic therapeutics effectively delay the progression of wet AMD.5, 6 However, FDA-approved treatments for dry AMD are not available, although a few are now in clinical trials. Therefore, development of neuroprotective agents to maintain the remaining vision has been suggested as a future therapy 2-MPPA for dry AMD.7 Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), a monolayer of pigmented cells, is located between photoreceptor cells and Bruch’s membrane and maintains retinal homeostasis via the transport of nutrients and waste, thereby protecting photoreceptor cells.8 The pathogenesis of dry AMD 2-MPPA involves oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation.9, 10, 11, 12, 13 RPE cells are prone to exposure to high-energy light and rich polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are readily oxidized through photonic activation. Due to their anatomical localization and metabolic function, RPE cells are continuously exposed to chronic and cumulative oxidative stress and are most severely damaged in progressive dry AMD.14 RPE degeneration impairs retinal protective measures for the photoreceptor cells and results in their progressive death. To study the death mechanism of RPE cells, the human-derived RPE cell line, APRE-19, is often used as a cellular model upon oxidative stress15, 16, 17, 18 because these cells display properties that are commonly observed in RPE cells, such as morphological polarization and expression of the RPE-specific markers cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein and RPE65.19 The sodium iodate (SI) model is used to further understand the mechanism of RPE loss in dry AMD pathogenesis because SI is an oxidizing compound with specific toxicity for RPE and leads to alterations in 2-MPPA RPE functions.20, 21, 22, 23 SI-induced retinal degeneration has been reported in various animal species, including sheep, rabbit and 2-MPPA mice, with varying dose and administration routes.20, 24, 25 Moreover, SI damages the RPE through several mechanisms, including cross-reactivity with melanin, which converts glycine into toxic glucoxylate, inhibition of energy production enzymes and ROS accumulation.26, 27, 28 Therefore, we used SI-injected mice and rabbits to validate the role of PARP-1 in the pathogenesis of dry AMD. Apoptosis and necrosis seem to be activated flexibly depending on the cell types and cellular context in the retina.29 When apoptosis is inhibited in photoreceptor cells, regulated necrotic death predominates, as if compensating for the absence of apoptosis. In this case, the sum of cell death remains relatively static despite the altered ratio of regulated necrosis to apoptosis. This compensation provides an explanation for therapeutic failure with single blockage of apoptosis to prevent retinal cell death. Therefore, necrotic death in the retinal cells has been studied extensively, and a combination therapy of apoptotic and necrotic inhibitors seems to be promising for the protection of retinal cells. Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs) constitute a large family of enzymes that catalyze the transfer of ADP-ribose units onto target proteins. In humans, 17 members of the PARP family have been identified and share a conserved catalytic domain.30 PARP-1 is thought to have a critical role in cellular physiology because the majority (>90%) of PAR.
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