The represents the fold hormone induction. Therefore, the involvement of the DBD of the AR in repression by LCoR was tested. (ARE III) were performed essentially as described previously (6). ChIP experiments were repeated three times with similar results. Real-time RT-PCR Isolation of mRNA and the real-time PCR was performed as described earlier (6). A total of 200,000 C4-2 cells/well were seeded out in charcoal-stripped serum containing T media in six-well tissue culture dishes. After 24 h, cells were treated with R1881 (10?10 m) for Thiazovivin 48 h, total cellular RNA was isolated, and 1 mg RNA was reverse-transcribed to cDNA and subjected to amplification by light cycler using specific primers and control primers against actin. GST Pull-down GST and GST-AR-DBD were expressed in strain HB101 overnight at 16 C after induction with 0.1 mm isopropyl–D-thiogalactopyranosid (Sigma). After bacterial extraction, GST proteins were affinity-purified via glutathione beads that were either incubated with 0.5 mg LNCaP whole cell extract as positive control for full-length LCoR binding to AR-DBD or with 10 g of His-tagged purified LCoR 101C218 or 219C433. His-tagged proteins were expressed in strain BL21 under the same conditions. Affinity purification was performed with nickel-nitrilotriacetic acid beads (Invitrogen). The binding to GST/-AR-DBD was analyzed via LCoR-Western blotting (LCoR antibody was obtained from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.). Ponceau staining of proteins served as loading control. Generation of Stable Clones A total of 200,000 C4C2 cells were transfected with Src or mutant Src along with the pETE-Hyg plasmid in 5:1 molar ratio (total amount being 10 g) using the calcium phosphate method. The medium was replaced with fresh T media 18 h post-transfection. Stable clones were selected as described previously (6). In Vivo Tumor Xenograft Model 1 106 C4-2 stable clones were suspended in 100 l of complete cell culture media and 100 l of matrigel. Cells were subcutaneously implanted in the left and right flanks of five athymic male nude mice in every experimental group. At different time Thiazovivin points, tumors were measured by using a digital Vernier caliper. Immunohistochemistry Paraffin-embedded prostate tissues arrays (4 mm) were obtained from US Biomax. Immunostaining was performed using LCoR antibody Thiazovivin (dilution 1:50) essentially as described previously (13). RESULTS LCoR Functionally Represses the AR Transactivation Function A varying degree of LCoR protein expression was observed in a panel of prostate epithelial cells, both normal and tumorigenic (Fig. 1represents the fold hormone induction with S.D. between triplicates. LCoR-mediated AR repression was significant in (Student’s test, < 0.005). LCoR-mut represents the NR-box mutant of LCoR (12). AR ligands (agonists): DHT, R1881. AR ligands (antagonists): OHF, Casodex, CPA. and and test, < 0.001). test, < 0.01). represents the fold hormone induction. LCoR mutant-mediated AR repression was significant (Student's test, < 0.05). To map down the region(s) of AR that is targeted by LCoR and to define whether a functional interaction between AR and LCoR takes place, various deletion mutants of the AR NTD were analyzed. The N-terminal of AR harbors the major transactivation function. Deleting AF-1 (NTD) therefore renders the intact C terminus AR transcriptionally incompetent, and no repressive effect of LCoR on this AR mutant was observed. Ectopically expressed LCoR repressed various N-terminal AR truncations (39C171, 39C328, 510C536, and 447C536) in an androgen-dependent manner (Fig. 2and and represents fold hormone activity. test, < 0.005). The represents the fold hormone induction. Therefore, the involvement of the DBD of the AR Sele in repression by LCoR was tested. The AR chimera (VP-DBD), deleting both the NTD and the LBD, was generated, possessing only the intact DBD of AR. This fusion protein was strongly activated ligand-independently compared with the empty vector VP16 control and VP16-Gal-DBD (VP16-Gal) (Fig. 3depicts the fold hormone induction. LCoR binding to AR was significant for and (Student’s test, < 0.05). and represents the fold hormone induction. Thiazovivin represents the fold hormone induction. The influence of PP2 on LCoR-mediated AR repression (test, < 0.001). represents the actin-normalized values of the PSA transcript. To explain the restoration of the strong repressive effect of LCoR on AR in.
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