However, their use is limited by ethical considerations, and thus, practically, adult stem cells are of more use. inner cell mass of the blastocyst are considered stem cells are capable of producing a limited range of differentiated cell lineages appropriate to their location and are usually found in adult tissues. However, the use of the term multipotential may be somewhat redundant, as it appears now that certain adult stem cells, removed from their usual location, transdifferentiate into cells that reflect their new environment. Stem cells with the least potential for differentiation Rabbit polyclonal to AIM1L are termed unipotential, an example of which is the epidermal stem cell found in the basal skin layer that only produces keratinized squames. From this initial introduction, it can be gleaned that ES cells are initially the most attractive option when considering the use of embryonic or adult stem cells for cellular therapies given their totipotential. However, their use is limited by ethical considerations, and thus, practically, adult stem cells are of more use. The remainder of this review SM-130686 will consider in greater detail the characteristics of ES cells and adult stem cells and their use in cellular therapy to treat heart disease. EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS ES cells were initially isolated in mice and more recently in humans (Evans & Kaufman 1981; Thomson to form multiple cardiovascular cell types. SM-130686 The technique of feeder layer or LIF withdrawal, and formation of EBs has been successfully used to obtain cells with a cardiomyocytic phenotype from mouse and human ES cells (Doetschman hybridization have demonstrated the presence of appropriate proteins in cardiomyocytes and, furthermore, these are expressed in a time course that is analogous to that seen in cardiomyocytes developing (Guan (Yamashita (Lanza teratomas made up of tissue from all three germ layers have formed following implantation in immunodeficient mice (Cibelli and studies have demonstrated that these cells can transdifferentiate into brain, gut, lung, liver, pancreas, kidney and cardiac cells when placed under specific conditions (Makino studies have been unable to demonstrate the potential for HSC transdifferentiation to a cardiac cell lineage. However, studies have shown transdifferentiation of HSCs SM-130686 to cardiomyocytes and to vascular structures (see Table 1). These studies have also exhibited improvement in cardiac function. Side populace cells, expressing CD34?/LOWc\kit+Sca\1+ have been shown to differentiate into cells that bear a cardiomyocytic and endothelial cell phenotype in a mouse model of myocardial infarction (Jackson when transplanted to the heart in both non\injury and myocardial infarction models. The cells have been strictly characterized by immunohistochemistry and positively stain for cardiac and endothelial specific markers, as well as gap junction proteins. (Wang and retrovirally transduced to over\express Akt1, a mediator of survival signals and glucose metabolism. These cells were then transplanted into the heart of the recipient animal one hour following myocardial infarction. When compared with transplantation with standard MSCs, there was a significant decrease in collagen formation and inflammation C processes that may well be detrimental to recovery of cardiac function. Furthermore, 80C90% of lost myocardium was regenerated and function was completely normalized (Mangi assay due to their high proliferation rate. Temporally, they form late\outgrowth colonies in which the cells are mainly EPCs and CEPs, and can form colony\forming unit\endothelial cells (Lin to form mature endothelial cells (Gehling (Asahara In animal models of MI, transplantation of EPCs or CEPs causes a significant increase in capillary density, regional blood flow, and collateral formation in the ischaemic heart. In addition, cardiac function is also significantly improved following transplantation (Kawamoto (Terada 2003; Wang repair.
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