(B) Quantitative PCR of mouse-specific ((in bioengineered liver tissues. Discussion Human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell systems can model specific hepatic tissue development28,29; however, they often lack the macro-organ elements such as the ECM skeleton, a native vascular tree, and organ compartmentalization. effects on endothelial cells. We observed impairment of both neovascularization and liver tissue business in the presence of selective inhibition of endothelial NO synthase. Comparable results were observed in bioengineered livers produced under static conditions. Overall, we were able to unveil the potential central role of discrete mechanical stimulation through the NO pathway in the revascularization and cellular organization of a bioengineered liver. Last, we propose that this organ bioengineering platform can contribute significantly to the identification of physiological mechanisms of liver organogenesis and regeneration and improve our ability to bioengineer livers for transplantation. Introduction Liver organogenesis and regeneration are both highly complex processes that involve the coordination of numerous cells types and signals resulting in cellular organization. Better modeling of this process is usually key in understanding liver development and regeneration. Due to the limitations of animal models, including cost and ethical considerations, the current approach to study these complex phenomena is usually by modeling these processes in systems. Since development of the vascular system is essential for liver development and regeneration, these models should also include a vascular component. 1C6 models have been developed in the past decades to mimic organ development and regeneration, but most employ cells cultured in two-dimensional (2D) plastic dishes and do not recapitulate the native three-dimensional (3D) organ structure. The available 3D tissue culture models are mostly static and do not incorporate the mechanical effects of fluid flow. On the other hand, microfluidic systems are used for external perfusion of small tissue constructs and thus lack true physiological JC-1 organ perfusion properties.7 The emergence of novel decellularization/recellularization techniques has recently been employed by us as well as others to create whole organ scaffolds, including livers, for organ bioengineering.8C13 Owing to the preservation of the vascular tree architecture within these acellular organ scaffolds, they support whole organ perfusion, which can be used for cell seeding and maintenance. In addition, the vascular perfusion network can be used to simulate the effect of fluid flow-derived mechanical forces on specific cell populations. Finally, the acellular scaffolds contain the native tissue microenvironment, including the composition and arrangement of the liver extracellular matrix (ECM). Despite recent advances in whole liver engineering, optimized conditions for cell seeding, tissue growth and organization, as well as the mechanisms governing these processes, are largely unknown. In the current study, we used an bioengineered intact right liver lobe model8,11 to study the effects of fluid flow mechanical stimulation on hepatic tissue organization. The precise control of flow rate/pressure in a perfusion bioreactor allowed us to determine the role of fluid flow in regulating cellular distribution and business. To validate this platform, we used two cell lines that represent cell types within the liver, HepG2 hepatocytic cells and MS1 endothelial cells (EC), and confirmed the nitric oxide (NO) Rabbit Polyclonal to TISB (phospho-Ser92) signaling pathway as a major mediator of shear stress-induced cellular business. Collectively, our data suggest that a bioengineered liver, inside a customized perfusion bioreactor, can be used as a unique model to study the complexities JC-1 of tissue organization (Cat#. ab15580; Abcam, Cambridge, MA), followed by goat anti-rabbit Texas Red secondary antibody (Vector Labs, Burlingame, CA). Cellular apoptosis detection was performed using the TdT In Situ Apoptosis Detection KitCAlexa Fluor 594 (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN) in all bioreactors. To identify each cell populace in the bioscaffold, double immunofluorescence staining was performed for using mouse anti-eNOS (Cat#. 610297; BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA) and albumin (taqman probes with housekeeping gene (Life Technologies). Expression of genes within a sample was normalized to expression using the 2 2?Ct method. Statistics Results are shown as mean??standard deviation and statistical analysis was performed using Graphpad Prism v5 (Graphpad Software, Inc, La Jolla, CA). A series of one-way ANOVA’s with Bonferoni analysis were performed to determine differences between groups (i.e., across flow rates). Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to calculate statistically significant correlations between pressure measurements and quantitative outcomes. Results Influence of fluid flow-derived mechanical forces on cell seeding, proliferation, and viability To study the mechanical effects of fluid flow on liver tissue organization, we used our previously published technique of whole liver bioengineering, using acellular ferret livers seeded with hepatocytic cell and EC.8,18 This model provides two important features: (1) cells are situated inside a 3D ECM scaffolding system that mimics the native liver microarchitecture, biochemical and biomechanical environment and (2) it allows delivery of distinct fluid flow rates through the native liver vascular network. To control fluid flow parameters, the acellular liver scaffold is positioned inside a JC-1 perfusion bioreactor built with a controllable pump and program pressure measurements with documenting features (Fig. 1 and Supplementary Strategies). To show mobile response to liquid flow-induced shear stresses and tension, we employed.
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