The current study results support the findings from other studies that have investigated the permeability of PSu membranes to LMWH15,18

The current study results support the findings from other studies that have investigated the permeability of PSu membranes to LMWH15,18. molecules investigated was comparable between the MCO membrane and the high-flux dialysers. Results from the studies suggest that switching from a high-flux dialyser to the MCO membrane should not require changes to the medication dosing or anti-coagulation protocols of dialysis patients. study, HD- or HDF-treatment conditions were simulated to investigate loss of various medications and functional proteins during dialysis. The goal was to assess the retention of these molecules and proteins with the polyethersulfone (PES)-based MCO membrane dialyser (Theranova) in HD mode compared with two high-flux membrane dialysers in HD and HDF BRD9539 modes: a PES membrane dialyser (Polyflux 210?H) in HD and HDF modes, and a polysulfone (PSu) membrane dialyser (FX CorDiax 800) in HDF mode. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate these properties of the MCO membrane. Results Erythropoietin The starting concentration of erythropoietin at time (t) 0?min (t0) was similar for all dialysers tested, with average concentrations of 203, 188, 216 and 214?IU/mL for MCO, PES in HD, PES in HDF and PSu membrane dialysers, respectively. Erythropoietin concentration declined minimally and comparably during simulated treatment with all dialysers in HD and HDF treatment modes (Fig.?1a), remaining above 160?IU/mL at t60 for all membranes tested (165, 183, 182 and 177?IU/mL for MCO in HD, PES in HD, PES in HDF and PSu in HD, respectively). Specifically, the change of erythropoietin concentration observed for the MCO membrane in HD mode was similar to that of the PSu membrane in simulated HDF mode. Open in a separate window Figure 1 Retention of erythropoietin (a), low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) (b), insulin (c) and vancomycin (d) in a simulated treatment with medium cut-off (MCO) and high-flux dialysers. Data are presented as mean (n?=?3)??standard error of the mean (SEM). Insulin concentrations at t0 were out of the range of the insulin assay ( 1?IU/L). No consistent starting concentrations could be achieved, and the starting concentration of 1 1?lU/L was chosen to be high enough so that insulin would still be detectable over the time frame of the experiments. HD, haemodialysis; Rabbit polyclonal to EBAG9 HDF, haemodiafiltration; PES, polyethersulfone; PSu, polysulfone. LMWH Minimal decline in LMWH plasma concentration was observed for all dialysers tested, with the concentration at t60 close to the initial dose of 0.6?IU/mL (Fig.?1b). At t60, the average concentrations were 0.5, 0.57, 0.51 and 0.52?IU/mL for MCO, PES in HD, PES in HDF and PSu membrane dialysers, respectively. LMWH concentrations were comparable for all membranes. Insulin A starting concentration of 1000?mIU/L was targeted; this was considered sufficiently high for insulin to be BRD9539 detectable over the time frame of the experiments. No consistent starting concentrations (t0) could be achieved; insulin levels decreased rapidly for all dialysers and conditions tested, and the lowest levels were observed with the PSu membrane dialyser BRD9539 (Fig.?1c). At t4, the plasma insulin concentration for the MCO membrane dialyser was 373?mIU/L in simulated HD mode with ultrafiltration rate?=?0, compared with 474?mIU/L with the PES membrane dialyser (HDF with an ultrafiltration rate of 100?mL/min), and 322?mIU/L with the PSu membrane dialyser in simulated HDF mode. At t60, almost all insulin had been removed from the plasma with the PSu membrane (1.6?mIU/L), but low levels remained with the other dialysers, including the MCO membrane dialyser (up to 38?mIU/L). Vancomycin Vancomycin was cleared from the 1?L plasma pool within 10?min by all dialysers. At t10, average concentrations were 7.1, 8.3, 5.7 and 6.4?mg/L for MCO, PES in HD, PES in HDF and PSu membrane dialysers, respectively. At t10, the concentration of vancomycin was below the detection limit of BRD9539 the assay ( 2.5?mg/L). No difference was observed between the MCO membrane dialyser, and the other dialysers investigated (Fig.?1d). Vancomycin clearance was comparable for all membranes (Theranova 500, 182.8?mL/min; FX CorDiax 800, 196.4?ml/min; Polyflux 210?H in HD mode, 162.6?ml/min; Polyflux 210?H in HDF mode, 196?ml/min; R2?=?1 for each dialyser). Activity of coagulation factors The activity of coagulation Factors II, VII and X, protein C and ATIII are shown in Fig.?2. All values measured during.