Thus, CNS injury caused an increase in expression. Open in a separate window Figure 3. Injury induced expression and ectopic Dpn+ cells.(A, E, and K) Time course of crush-injury experiments in the larval abdominal ventral nerve cord?(VNC), indicating the age of the larvae (after egg laying, AEL) when crush was applied (top arrows), followed by various recovery periods, and when they were dissected and fixed (bottom arrows). but these are unknown. Here, we used to search for genes functionally related to the homologue and identified required in neurons for insulin secretion. Both loss and over-expression of induced neural stem cell gene expression, injury increased expression and induced ectopic neural stem cells. Using genetic analysis and lineage tracing, we demonstrate that Ia-2 and Kon regulate insulin-like peptide 6 (Dilp-6) to induce glial proliferation and neural stem cells from glia. Ectopic neural stem cells can divide, and limited de novo neurogenesis could be traced back to glial cells. Altogether, Ia-2 and Dilp-6 drive a neuron-glia relay that restores glia and reprogrammes glia into neural stem cells for regeneration. which is a powerful genetic model organism. Regenerative neurogenesis could occur through activation of quiescent neural stem cells, de-differentiation of neurons or glia, or direct conversion of glia to neurons (Tanaka and Ferretti, 2009; Falk and G?tz, 2017). Across many regenerating animals, new neurons originate mostly from glial cells (Tanaka and Ferretti, 2009; Falk and G?tz, 2017). In the mammalian CNS, radial glial cells behave like neural stem cells to produce neurons during development. Remarkably, whereas NG2-glia (also known as oligodendrocyte progenitor Liquiritin cells, OPCs) produce only glia (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes) in development, they can also produce neurons in the adult and upon injury (Dimou and G?tz, Liquiritin 2014; Falk and G?tz, 2017; Valny et al., 2017; Du et al., 2021) C although this remains controversial. Discovering the molecular mechanisms of a neurogenic response of glia is of paramount urgency. NG2-glia are progenitor cells in the adult human brain, constituting 5C10% of total CNS cells, and remain proliferative throughout life (Dimou and G?tz, Liquiritin 2014). In development, NG2-glia are progenitors of astrocytes, OPCs, and oligodendrocytes, but postnatally and upon injury they can also produce neurons (Dimou and G?tz, 2014; Torper et al., 2015; Falk and G?tz, 2017; Valny et al., 2017; Du et al., 2021). They can also be directly reprogrammed into neurons that integrate into functional circuits (Torper et al., 2015; Pereira et al., 2017). The diversity and functions of NG2-glia are not yet fully understood, but they are particularly close to neurons. They receive Rock2 and respond to action potentials generating calcium signals, they monitor and modulate the state of neural circuits by regulating channels and secreting chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan perineural nets, and they also induce their own proliferation to generate more NG2-glia, astrocytes that sustain neuronal physiology, and oligodendrocytes that enwrap axons (Dimou and G?tz, 2014; Sakry and Trotter, 2016; Sun et al., 2016; Du et al., 2021). NG2-glia have key roles in brain plasticity, homeostasis, and repair in close interaction with neurons (Dimou and G?tz, 2014; Sakry and Trotter, 2016; Du et al., 2021), but to Liquiritin what extent this depends on the gene and protein, is not known. (also known as is expressed by NG2-glia and pericytes, but not by oligodendrocytes, neurons, or astrocytes Liquiritin (Cahoy et al., 2008). NG2 is a transmembrane protein that can be cleaved upon neuronal stimulation to release a large secreted extracellular domain and an intracellular domain (Sakry et al., 2014; Sakry and Trotter, 2016). The intracellular domain (ICD, NG2ICD) is mostly cytoplasmic, and it induces protein translation and cell cycle progression (Nayak et al., 2018). NG2ICD lacks a DNA binding domain and therefore does not function as a transcription factor, but it has a nuclear WW4 domain and nuclear localisation signals and can.
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