However, many of these small molecules have to be applied in doses close to toxicity, since they are not targeted to AML cells. technology of molecular oncogene targeting in AML. Methods Our AML-targeting system consists of an internalizing anti-CD33-antibodyCprotamine conjugate, which together with anionic molecules such as siRNA or ibrutinib-Cy3. 5 and cationic free protamine spontaneously assembles into vesicular nanocarriers in aqueous answer. These nanocarriers were analyzed concerning their physical properties and relevant characteristics in vitro in cell lines and in vivo in xenograft tumor models and patient-derived xenograft leukemia models with the aim to prepare them for translation into clinical application. Results The nanocarriers created depend on a balanced electrostatic combination of the positively charged cationic protamine-conjugated anti-CD33 antibody, unbound cationic protamine and the anionic cargo. This nanocarrier transports its cargo safely into the AML target cells and has therapeutic activity against AML in vitro and in vivo. siRNAs directed specifically against two common mutated genes in the AML, the DNA-methyltransferase DNMT3A and FLT3-ITD lead to a reduction of clonal growth in vitro in AML cell lines and inhibit tumor growth in vivo in xenotransplanted cell lines. Moreover, oncogene knockdown of DNMT3A prospects to increased survival of mice transporting leukemia patient-derived xenografts. Furthermore, an anionic derivative of the approved Brutons kinase (BTK) inhibitor ibrutinib, ibrutinib-Cy3.5, is also transported by this nanocarrier into AML cells and decreases colony formation. Conclusions We statement important results toward innovative personalized, targeted treatment options via electrostatic nanocarrier therapy in AML. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13045-022-01390-5. Keywords: RNA interference, Gemtuzumab, DNMT3A inhibition, Ibrutinib, Molecular targeted therapy Background Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is one of the most prevalent hematological malignancies worldwide [1] with a 5-12 months survival prognosis of about 30% [2]. Therefore, the development of more effective therapeutics with novel mode of action is usually urgently demanded. One attempt to achieve this aim is the development of specific molecular therapeutics that target specifically leukemia PSI-6206 13CD3 cells and/or oncogenes. Here, we expose a modular flexible antibodyCprotamine nanocarrier platform, which can electrostatically bind anionic components and transport them via target-cell specific receptor-internalization into leukemia cells. The anionic components can be oncogene-specific small interfering (si)RNAs [3C5] or anionic small molecule inhibitors [6]. The use of RNA interference (RNAi) has been proposed for many cancers, but so far no RNAi-based therapeutic is approved for oncological diseases. RNAi requires the application of specific siRNAs that mediate an intracellular specific mRNA knockdown of any desired target gene [7C9]. Up to now, serum stability and lack of targeted transport of siRNA prohibited their systemic application against malignancy. We therefore developed an RNAi-based targeted therapy platform technology that complexes anionic PSI-6206 13CD3 siRNA to cationic nucleic acid-binding protein protamine, which we conjugated chemically to a cancer-cell PSI-6206 13CD3 specific antibody. To this end, we have previously obtained a stable complex comprised of the internalizing anti-EGFR-antibody cetuximab bound to cationic protamine and the anionic siRNA against KRAS and PIK3CA that specifically enters colorectal malignancy cells [3C5]. Parallel to this study, we observed that these complexes form suprastructures that resemble micelles and act as nanocarriers [10]. As a modular a part of our nanocarrier system, siRNA can be designed and synthetized against any oncogenic factor and we here propose a targeted siRNA-transport system composed of an anti-CD33-antibody, protamine and siRNA that efficiently targets the leukemia-related oncogenes DNMT3A and FLT3. It is widely accepted that DNA methylation is an important regulatory Rabbit Polyclonal to Synaptophysin mechanism in the development and maintenance of AML. DNMT3A is usually a de novo DNA methyltransferase that has drawn much attention because of its frequent mutation in a large variety of hematologic neoplasms [11]. Moreover, DNMT3A mutations precede malignancy development in clonal hematopoiesis and are believed to induce methylation?changes of tumor suppressor genes in AML. Mutations in DNMT3A are associated with a poor prognosis [12, 13]. The most common mutation in the gene, R882H, has a dominant.
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